Dear Reader, In CTS interviews, you can expect to be quizzed on conceptual questions. Below are four sample questions for your practice.
Interview Question 1
How inline functions are interpreted by the compilers ? What could be the main use ?
Answer 1
When inline functions are used compilers are expected to expand the function in every place of call. This approach saves time when there are lots of function calls.
Interview Question 2
Which among the following is preferred for embedded applications, microprocessors or microcontroller?
Answer 2
Microcontrollers are used for embedded applications.
Interview Question 3
In SDLC, what is black box testing (which comes under testing phase) ?
Answer 3
Black box testing is nothing but testing the actual functionality of a module/program at a high level. Here one may test different outputs for different sets of inputs. Also the one may not worry about the module/program internals under testing.
Interview Question 4
In SDLC, which is the testing phase that takes care that client requirements are actually met after installing the application on the site ?
Answer 4
UAT or User Acceptance Testing is the concerned testing phase.
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3 TCS Sample Networks Related Interview Questions
Dear Reader, you can always expect questions from computer networks.Below are three sample Interview Questions.
Question 1
Which is the protocol used for communication between network managing computer and all other computers or devices within the same network ? Hint : This is an application layer level (in OSI) protocol.
Answer 1
Answer is SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol.
Question 2
Say there are two similar programs installed on Unix and Windows systems in a network. If these programs require data to be passed back and forth across the network, Which of the OSI layers will be responsible for handling platform differences ? Hint : This layer is also capable of inclusion of encryption services.
Answer 2
Answer is Presentation Layer.
Question 3
Name a simple protocol that is very widely used in measuring time taken for a server to respond to a request in network ? Hint : With this protocol one can check if a remote server is actually connected/active.
Answer 3
Answer is Ping Protocol.
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CTS 3 Sample Sequences Questions
In CTS you can expect few questions from sequences. Though generally easy to crack, these questions require good concentration on your part, else could get tricky.
Placement Question 1
Find the next pair in the sequence - AB CA FB JA
Options : 1) OB 2) OC 3) NA 4) NB
Answer 1
Answer is option 1) OB.
Consider the first terms of the sequence A,C,F,J... Here C is one next A, F is two next C, J is three next F and so on. Hence next alphabet would be O (which is four next J). Consider second terms B,A,B,A... Hence this is an alternating sequence of Bs and As. Hence next alphabet would be B.
Based on the above two statements, the answer is OB.
Placement Question 2
Find the next pair of alphabets in the sequence - AB EC ID OE
Options : 1) LF 2) UF 3) UG 4) LE
Answer 2
Answer is option 2) UF.
Consider the first terms of the sequence A,E,I,0... Have you seen this somewhere ? :). Yes, this is our good old sequence of vowels. Hence next vowel would be U.
Consider second terms B,C,D,E... This is a plain sequence of alphabets in order. Hence next one would be F. Combining above two statements answer is UF.
Placement Question 3
(Easy Question) Find the next alphabet in the sequence... A,Z,B,Y,_,X ?
Options : 1) D 2) C 3) F 4) G
Answer 3
You would had already guessed. Yes, it is option 2) C.
Consider the second, fourth and last alphabets. They are Z,Y and X which are the last three alphabets. Similarly consider the first and third terms - A and B. These are the first two alphabets. Hence logically the blank should be occupied by C which is the third alphabet from the start.
Wipro 3 Sample C Basics Interview Questions
During Wipro interviews, you can expect few questions touching the basics of C. These may not be difficult, but would require a good understanding of the basics. Let us discuss 3 sample questions which can help during your interviews.
Interview Question 1
Tell one good programming requirement that illustrates the fact that C is a strongly typed language ?
Answer 1
C involves variable declarations before their usage. This makes it clear that C is strongly typed.
Interview Question 2
Consider a weather report application in C where any change in temperature by +- 2 degrees will be constantly reported to the system and the application should store the times of the day when these changes took place. Which is a better data structure to be used in this scenario - an array or a linked list ?
Answer 2
Linked List would handle dynamically growing data very well when compared to arrays. Hence it would be a better choice.
Interview Question 3
Can one use arrays to implement stacks or queues over linked lists ? Is it feasible ?
Answer 3
Thought linked lists are commonly used for implementing stacks or queues, with good programming logic, arrays can also be used to implement those. However, as you would expect, linked lists are far more efficient in this scenario.
4 CTS Sample Interview Easy Questions
You can expect technical questions from various subjects like sql,microprocessors,algorithms and their complexities etc during CTS interviews. Below are few sample questions (easy) for your practice.
Interview Question 1
Can u tell a simple difference between candidate keys and primary key ?
Answer 1
Both candidate and primary keys uniquely identify a row in a table. However, only one can be chosen as primary key, while there can be many candidate keys.
Interview Question 2
Is semicolon mandatory at the end of a block statement in C ?
Answer 2
No, semicolon is not essential at the end of a block statement. For example, consider a statement of the form if(x==5){...some statements...}
In the above statement, there is no need for semicolon after the closing '}'.
Interview Question 3
Consider there are two programs written respectively using two algorithms A and B. Say A has a complexity of n^2 and the other has a complexity of n/2. Given the same number of inputs which would take longer time to run.
Answer 3
First program written using algorithm A will take longer time. Higher the order of complexity, longer the time taken for execution.
Interview Question 4
How microcontroller is different from microprocessor with respect to hardware and memory requirements ?
Answer 4
Microcontroller, unlike microprocessor, is self contained with necessary hardware like I/O, memory etc embedded to it.
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