Sunday, August 2, 2015

structure of blood vessels

MetarterioleMetarteriole (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Tunica externa (vessels) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The blood vessels show a vast range of structural modifications. However a few basic patterns can be studied.

Tunica externa (vessels) A blood vessel consist of a wall and a lumen or cavit. the wall of the blood vessels is made up of 3 distinct layer or tunica. they are the tunica intima, tunica media and tunica externa or tunica adventitia


1. LARGE ELASTIC ARTERIES:- The walls of these arteries contain elastic fibres. the smooth wall measures about 1micron in thickness.It gets streched under the effect of pulse and recoils elastically

2. MUSCULAR ARTERIES:- There are larger and smaller muscular arteries. the larger muscular arteries are inelastic and they have thick walls.the wall has 30-40microns in diameter in the layer of smooth muscles. Since they regulate blood supply, they are called distributing arteries. the small muscular arteries are capable of vasodilation and vasoconstriction.

3. ARTERIOLES:- they conduct blood from the arteries to the capillary bed, these are small vesFormation of interstitial fluid from bloodFormation of interstitial fluid from blood (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

sels capable of vasodilation and vasconstiction.

4. CAPPILLARIES:- these are tubes of flact, obal or polygonal endothelial cells.Each venule if

5. VENULES:- These are tubes of flact,oval or polygonal endothelial cells eachvenule isby the convergence of two or more capillaries. its diameter ranges upto 30microns.

6.VEINS:-Veins seen in anatomy are medium veins.they run in between venules and large veins.Large veins transport blood to the heart


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